Wraparound care

Wraparound care

We understand that family life can be extremely busy and we aim to provide parents with flexibility at the start and end of the school day, with wraparound care available from 7.30am to 6.00pm.

Breakfast Club and Stay & Play

There is an optional paid Breakfast Club from 7.30am or early drop off with no breakfast from 7.45am. The complimentary Early Bird Club operates from 8am on the tennis courts (or the Friend’s Hall in inclement weather). At 8.20am children in Pre-Prep line up on the tennis courts and are escorted to their classes by class teachers.

The Stay & Play Club operates daily as after school care during term time from 3.15-6pm. Drinks and biscuits are provided at 3.45pm. A light supper is provided for all children with drinks at 4.45pm, provided they have been booked in no later than 2pm on the day. The cost of wrap around care is billed at the end of each term and added to the next term’s invoice. A register is kept to log attendance. Please refer to our Fee Sheets for a breakdown of costs.

Booking forms for both Breakfast Club and Stay & Play are distributed by the school office at the start of each term and available via the ParentMail App. Stay & Play bookings can also be made via stayandplay@rydeshill.com. If you wish to book your child onto Stay & Play for the same day, please contact the school office directly (office@rydeshill.com).