School timings

The school day and collection

Pre-preparatory department - (Kindergarten, Lower Transition and Upper Transition)

8am – Complimentary drop-off in the tennis courts

8.20am – Registration

3.15pm – School day ends, collection from Kindergarten outside area, parents to wait on the other side of white picket fence

Preparatory department - (Lower, Middle & Higher Preparatory and Form One)

8am – Complimentary drop-off in the tennis courts

8.20am – Registration

3.35pm – School day ends, collection from designated area or proceed to after school club

NB: To make things as easy for you as possible, if you have a child in nursery in addition to a child/children in the main school you are welcome to make use of our complimentary nursery drop off from 8am.


All pupils should arrive before the beginning of the school day, dressed in full uniform. Classrooms are open to pupils at 8:20. We operate a ‘drop-off’ zone from 8-8.30am in the car park, but pupils must be in by 8.20am as lessons start promptly at 8.30am. This ensures the safe and smooth flow of traffic and, more importantly, serves to promote independence in the older pupils, who can make their own way to the tennis courts or The Friends’ Hall in inclement weather.

End of the school day

At the end of the school day all pupils should leave Rydes Hill wearing full school uniform. Pupils must not leave the courtyard unaccompanied by an adult and are not permitted to walk alone to cars parked in the car park.

Pupils leaving after Prep (Homework Club), or from an after school club should be met by a parent or nominated adult outside the science block. Children who have attended Stay & Play on Monday to Thursday should be collected from the dining hall before 4.15pm or from the nursery if collection is later than 4.15pm. On a Friday, children should be collected from Stay & Play at the nursery from 3.30pm. Any children not collected at the designated pick-up time will be taken to Stay & Play and a charge may be incurred.

Parents who choose to take their child/children to the adventure playground after school do so at their own risk; please refer to the Adventure Playground Rules for more information.

Children using the equipment must be always supervised by an adult. This play equipment must be vacated by 3.45pm if required for the Stay & Play Club. If you are supervising your child in the grounds and they need to go into the school building, it is imperative that they are accompanied by an adult to ensure their safety.

Collection by a different adult

In the interest of your child’s safety, please inform the school of the identity of the person who will be collecting your child in the event of you being unable to. Children will not be released to any adult other than a parent without prior notification, even if that adult is another Rydes Hill parent.

Throughout the school, we operate a password system. If the person collecting your child is not known to the school, parents will be asked to provide the person collecting their child with a password (for example ‘Apple Pie’) and to inform the school that this will be the password used on this occasion. When given the correct password, the child will be released into their care. Different passwords must be used on each occasion.