Middle Preparatory 8-9 yrs

Welcome to Middle Preparatory

The Middle Preparatory classroom is spacious, light and airy. The curriculum builds upon the strong foundations of work covered in all the previous classes. One notable change is that science lessons now take place in the laboratory, with our specialist science teacher.

Progress in the core subjects is still carefully monitored. Individual targets and differentiated work enable all the girls to fulfil their potential all areas of the curriculum.

Homework is set each day and the girls are also encouraged to read a wide range of books. We have a very well-stocked class library and a reading list of suggested titles is provided.

A high standard of written work is expected. Fountain pens are used and handwriting is practised regularly.

Girls in Middle Preparatory have the opportunity to play in school teams and to represent the school in a variety of musical events. To round off a busy year, the girls take part in a musical production at the end of the summer term