Higher Preparatory 9-10 yrs

Welcome to Higher Preparatory

Higher Preparatory is situated in a large, spacious classroom at the top of the school with fabulous views. Academically, this is a very important year. Both the mathematics and English curriculum required for entrance examinations is largely covered during this year so that the girls' skills can then be polished in the autumn term of Form One. Children are encouraged to read for pleasure and widen their scope so that they read factual, poetry and biographies as well as fiction. In mathematics the children are increasingly solving problems and mathematics challenge sheets are used to stretch the more able.

Humanities become increasingly important and both study skills and note taking are introduced. The children produce two independent projects which gives them an opportunity to study areas of interest in greater depth and learn to carry out independent research. History comes alive when the children are taken to Hooke Court, a residential centre in rural Dorset, where they experience being a Tudor for three days.