Welcome to Year 2
Our Year 2 class has a light, spacious and stimulating classroom with two large carpeted areas that are used for many learning activities, e.g. hands-on mathematics, quiet reading, construction and games. Children learn important skills in collaboration through using this shared space.
We have an excellent interactive white board and access to iPads and a computer suite to enhance learning, develop new skills and encourage independence, curiosity and creativity.
We use the Numicon Maths Programme alongside Hamilton with many other additional resources such as Enrich, with a strong emphasis placed on the importance of a smooth transition from practical, kinaesthetic learning to the abstract. They are encouraged to apply their understanding of mathematical concepts to a variety of real life situations.
In English the children love to write imaginative stories built around their learning, often with creative twists; sometimes re-writing a story from a new viewpoint to encourage empathy and understanding of character, sometimes changing the ending of a story to add humour and surprise. In the summer term, princesses thwart dragons and princes don’t necessarily win the day. The children also write recounts of events, letters, and descriptive and pattern led poetry inspired by Forest School or their learning in history or science. They are taught to use the correct grammar and punctuation in their writing which becomes increasingly complex and vocabulary rich. They are also taught joined-up writing which is then used throughout their work. We have an extensive range of graded reading books and a large library of interesting and challenging texts. The children read aloud one-to-one with the teacher and in small groups and are encouraged to read to their parents each evening. Spellings are learnt and tested weekly, giving pupils the opportunity to work at their own level and progress is monitored.
We also have a variety of exciting outings each year which support our learning: one of the favourites with the children is dressing up in Victorian costume and visiting The Victorian School Room. As part of our study on castles, we also visit the beautiful and history-rich Arundel Castle where the children explore the old motte and dress up as jesters, ladies in waiting and even try on real chain mail.
We cover a variety of techniques in art, teaching new skills and using various media in creative ways. Looking at the way artists see the world helps us to find new ways of expressing ourselves. At Christmas the children take part in a Christmas play and they also take an assembly on a theme.
The whole class has the opportunity to learn the violin with our 'Viva Violins' project. As part of this initiative, each child is provided with a violin for the academic year.
In sport and gymnastics the children learn many new skills as well as basic skills in preparation for netball. Boys participate in special games.
The children also have a busy extracurricular programme and many participate in music lessons, speech & drama, ballet, tennis and cross-country running.
In Year 2 we aim to develop the confidence and ability of all the children so that they are able to transition seamlessly onto the next stage of their education. Excellent standards are attained by the children as expectations are high and the children thrive in the caring, understanding and stimulating environment, where they have lots of fun and enjoy the challenges they are given.