Welcome to Year 1
Our Year 1 class is full of happy, enthusiastic and motivated children. The delightful buzz of learning can be felt the moment you walk through the door. Every child’s individual needs and learning style is taken into account and each child works at their own capacity and speed.
We place great emphasis on practical learning and problem solving, encouraging children to be inquisitive, exploring topics to gain greater understanding, and thinking for themselves.
The emphasis during the first term is on reading and our own phonics scheme which also helps in the development of a wide vocabulary, good spelling and plenty of story writing. We encourage good presentation and a lively imagination through the use of different media in art and crafts.
Great value is placed on being kind to others and each child is encouraged to take care of those around them. Year 1 is a happy, vibrant class where much laughter can be heard and many smiles can be seen.