Kindergarten 4-5 yrs

Welcome to Kindergarten

Our friendly, structured environment means that our pupils not only have fun learning, but through their engagement and enjoyment they also achieve high academic standards.

"Kindergarten is the hive of Rydes Hill. Those little bees are busy counting, baking, letter-sound-making, writing, painting, never-too-much waiting! They take their first steps in learning in the most playful but purposeful atmosphere"Parent

Our principal concern is to develop inquisitive and successful learners, as we believe that this is the key to personal happiness, high self-esteem and self-confidence. When your child leaves the Kindergarten they will be prepared and enthusiastic for the next stage of learning.

We provide:

  • Teaching by experienced, well-qualified staff
  • Small classes
  • Full-time classroom assistants
  • Specialist teachers for Music
  • Specialist teachers for P.E.
  • Specialist teacher for French
  • Specialist teacher for Ballet
  • Carefully planned programmes of study
  • A well-balanced timetable
  • Regular assessment of pupil performance
  • Access to high quality learning resources
  • Regular opportunities for parents to enjoy their children performing in productions, concerts, sport and ballet
  • All children in Kindergarten take part in the Christmas Play and take an assembly on a theme.