
Welcome Parents and Carers

The Rydes Hill 'Parents Page' was created as a commitment to ensuring that our parents and carers can access the most up-to-date information on life at Rydes Hill. Below you will find any class notices for the current and following week, a fully comprehensive, interactive and downloadable 'Parent Handbook', and a list of useful items/forms that are available for download.

We hope you find this page useful.

Weekly Notices

W/C 27th June 2024

Mon, 27th June - BANK HOLIDAY

Tues, 28th June to Fri, 31st June - HALF TERM (All Year Round Nursery remains open)

W/C 3rd June 2024

Mon, 3rd June - Pre-Prep Sports Day run through

Tues, 4th June - Whole School and Class photos

Weds, 5th June - 6.30pm Kindergarten September 24 Transition Meeting

Thurs, 6th June - Filming for the Production (AM)

Thurs, 6th June - Prep Sports Day run through

Fri, 7th June - Mufti Day - dress in blue for Eco Team supporting Water Aid and Twinning Toilets

Fri, 7th June - 8am Coffee Morning

Fri, 7th June - Assembly led by Form One

Parent Handbook

Click the below link to access our latest Parent Handbook that contains all information about life at Rydes Hill, including required School uniform, information on events and traditions and School rules, policies and procedures.

Parent Handbook - April 2025

Useful Items

Calendar of Events - Summer 2024

Extra Curricular Activities - Summer 2024

ELSA Information Booklet

Holiday Request Form

Medication Request Form

Site Map

Uniform Shop (Second Hand) - Price List

Uniform Shop (Second Hand) - Terms and Conditions