
Music at Rydes Hill

Music and the performing arts are a vibrant and vital part of life at Rydes Hill.

Within our thriving music department the children are encouraged to discover their musical potential and realise their natural talents. We aim to foster children’s enjoyment and understanding of music from a young age with all pupils in Pre-Prep given the opportunity to learn the violin, a wind and a brass instrument.

The main aim is to foster children's enjoyment and understanding of music through practical application and active involvement in a wide range of musical activities, both in and out of class lesson time. The music, drama and ballet departments work closely together to encourage a high standard of performance throughout the year.

Class music lessons

During class music lessons children learn to develop their vocal and instrumental skills, to improvise and compose and become familiar with a wide range of music, past and present. Our Head of Music, teaches all children at Rydes Hill.

Each class receives two forty minute music lessons per week, held in the spacious and well-equipped Music Room in the fabulous Performing Arts Centre. Music lessons are linked to other areas of the curriculum that are being covered in class.

Viva violins scheme

In Year 2 every child has the opportunity to learn the violin as part of the music curriculum. The ‘Viva Violins’ scheme is taught by our specialist violin teacher, and all tuition is free for the entire academic year.

Individual tuition

Pupils in Year 2 have the opportunity to receive weekly individual music lessons on a variety of instruments. We are exceptionally lucky at Rydes Hill in having an outstanding team of visiting peripatetic music teachers. Their aim is to inspire and encourage the children to reach their full musical potential.

Tuition is currently available on flute, clarinet, saxophone, cornet, trumpet, violin, cello, guitar, recorder, singing and piano.
