


We utilise the IRIS ParentMail communication tool for our day-to-day communication with parents. As ParentMail is used for sending messages, sharing newsletters, sporting fixtures, booking parents consultation evenings, accessing, and completing forms and making payments it is essential that you use this tool. We do not send any paper-based letters or notifications out to parents. ParentMail can be used either in your internet browser or you can download the free of charge app via your usual app store.

When your child starts at Rydes Hill our school office will send an activation email to the email address you supplied on your child’s registration forms so you can set up ParentMail to be used in the way that suits you best. If you have any queries on ParentMail please contact the school office (

Weekly news

At the end of each week during term time, our headmistress sends a newsletter to all parents and guardians via ParentMail. The newsletter covers all the highlights from the week and includes photos from key events, sporting event fixtures and results, notices on upcoming events and any other relevant information. Reading the newsletter is a great and quick way of keeping up to date with life at Rydes Hill. Our newsletters can also be accessed here.

Parent forum

A parents’ forum takes place termly and is an opportunity for our headmistress to meet with parents and discuss different aspects of Rydes Hill. She will share ideas/proposals for developments that are being planned to allow parents to offer their views. During the forum, she also has an ‘open forum’ where parents may ask questions.


All staff have an email address and can be emailed if you wish to communicate with them directly. They will endeavour to reply between the hours of 8am-5pm on their working days during term time (this is with the exception of the nursery staff, finance team and registrar who are available at times during the holidays).

Notification of changes

Please note, it is your responsibility to inform the school (via the school office - office@ should any of your contact details change (for example, change of address or mobile telephone number). You should also keep us up to date with any changes to your child’s medical status, by completing and returning a new Medical Form which can be requested from and returned to the school office.

Your child's progress


All children receive a fully comprehensive written report in the summer term. Our main school pupils also have a termly grade card that is sent out at Christmas and Easter. This gives a summary of the assessments carried out that term, as well as an indication of the effort the child is putting in.

Parent consultations

Parent consultations take place in the Autumn and Spring terms. Invitations to book a slot are sent out via ParentMail. All appointments are for 10 minutes and will focus on the targets being worked on at that time which will be sent to you prior to the consultation meeting. There is also a chance to see your child’s books. Parents are urged not to wait for a Parent Consultation meeting if there is something worrying them. Teachers will make appointments to speak to parents at a mutually convenient time at any point throughout the year.

Raising concerns

If you have any concerns about the progress (or welfare) of your child, please speak to your child’s teacher in the first instance. We recommend doing this as soon as you’re worried about something so we can act quickly. It is recommended that you start by emailing your child’s teacher as pick up times can be very busy. Alternatively, our headmistress is at the gate each morning from 8-8.20am and she is always happy to talk to you about any concerns you may have.