
Balanced nutrition

Holroyd Howe

All catering is provided by Holroyd Howe, our acclaimed independent caterers. We work closely with them to provide our pupils with healthy, balanced, and delicious meals. Holroyd Howe pride themselves on producing meals using a variety of ingredients, cuisines and culinary styles and frequently offer themed lunches and ‘tasting tables’ to encourage pupils to try new things.

As a strictly fresh food business, Holroyd Howe prides itself on sourcing the finest British ingredients, as locally as possible and approaches food with a no fuss attitude. Nothing processed, nothing added - just honest, delicious food everyday.

Spring Term Lunch Menu 2025

Mealtimes and snacks

Breakfast Club

Breakfast Club starts from 7.30am and serves an optional breakfast that consists of hot and cold food, fresh fruit, cereals, toast and juices.


All pupils should bring a piece of fresh fruit, vegetable or plain crackers or breadsticks for morning break. No food should be taken onto the tennis courts. Fruit should be cut up, if required, and placed in a named bag or container. Sweets, biscuits, crisps, and dips are not allowed. Please be mindful of waste and, where possible, send in whole fruit or use re-useable named tubs. Several of our pupils are known to present allergic reactions to certain foods – nuts in particular. We are a nut-free school, so please do not allow your child to bring in any food containing nuts. We also ask all our pupils not to share their break food. This policy may seem a bit harsh, but it is in the best interests of all of our pupils.


Lunch break runs from 12-1.25pm. All pupils are served a hot lunch in our dining hall during the allocated time for their class. We offer our pupils a choice between a main course, a vegetarian main course or a baked potato with vegetable-based side dishes and a salad bar along with healthy dessert options.

Pupils are allowed to request seconds of their main course and vegetable side dishes but not for dessert. Termly menus can be accessed here.

Stay & Play

Drinks and biscuits are provided at 3.45pm. A light supper is provided for all children with drinks at 4.45pm (provided they have been booked in no later than 2pm on the day).


Pupils should bring a re-useable water bottle each day. This can be refilled during the day and is kept in the classroom and taken to the playground at break time.


Milk is offered to children during morning break. It is taken into the Reception play area by a member of our kitchen team on a trolley in jugs and served in plastic cups.


We have a policy and procedures to support pupils who are prone to severe allergies. All members of staff undergo annual training to support these pupils. We aim to operate a nut-free school. When a pupil joins us, as part of the admissions process, parents are asked to complete a medical and food allergy form to give details of any allergies. If a child has a food allergy they are given a colour-coded lanyard to wear when they enter our dining hall for lunch to enable our kitchen team to easily identify them. Their details are also included on a “Think of Me” board which includes their photo and details of their allergy.

Parents are requested to submit an emergency procedures plan for us to follow in the event a pupil suffers an allergic reaction. This plan is kept in the Class First Aid Bag which is taken with the class when leaving the classroom for other lessons, i.e. PE in the hall, music in the Performing Arts Studio etc.

All relevant staff are informed of a pupil’s allergy, i.e. any teacher that takes them for a lesson, school office secretaries, kitchen staff, staff on break duties. The school office regularly check the Class First Aid bags to ensure any medication, such as Epi-pens, are in date.