The Friends
The Friends of Rydes Hill ('The Friends' or FRHPS) is a parent led committee and is an integral part of your child’s school community. In fact, all parents automatically become a part of The Friends when their child joins Rydes Hill. The Friends support and help facilitate the overwhelming sense of community present at Rydes Hill.
Fun and fundraising
The Friends have two primary aims:
1) To promote and foster close relationships between the families within the school community.
2) To organise fundraising activities for items and experiences that will benefit the school community as agreed to by the school and The Friends.
Over the years, The Friends have raised thousands of pounds which have been spent on various projects and items including a new piano and drum sets for the music department, a new adventure playground, bespoke tiered theatre style seating and a fabulous lighting system in the main school hall.
In addition to fundraising, The Friends plan and host a number of social events throughout the school year. The main events for the academic year include a Christmas fair, quiz night, movie night and summer fair. The Friends also organise smaller, more intimate gatherings such as coffee mornings, parent dinners and mums/dads’ nights out. These social events throughout the year help provide a connection between the children, their families and the school and foster a sense of community that endures even after the children have finished the school.
Class representatives
Most communication from The Friends for events such as bake sales, coffee mornings, parent dinners and major fundraising events, comes from The Friends class representatives ('class reps') via Whatsapp. There are usually two representatives per class that sit on the committee. If you'd like to become a class rep, please don't hesitate to contact us on
Easy Fundraising
We have teamed up with Easy Fundraising,, to provide one of the simplest, easiest and quickest methods for raising extra funds for Friends. By simply completing a one-time online registration and a few extra mouse clicks, Friends can receive money whenever you make an online purchase with the 2,700+ retailers that contribute to the scheme – including Amazon, Waitrose, John Lewis and The Book People.
There is no additional cost for signing up and no security risk to your purchases - your online shopping is done in exactly the same way - the only difference is that if you go to first, then select the retailer that you want. The retailer will then donate a percentage of your purchases to Friends.
More information is available from the school office or our treasurer -