Reception Places Still Available for September 2023 Entry

Welcome to Our ‘Small but Mighty’ School in the Heart of Guildford

At Rydes Hill, we are proud to offer an ambitious yet nurturing environment that enables our pupils to grow in confidence and fulfil their individual potential. At the start of a child’s school career, it can be difficult to determine the exact teaching style and environment that will be best suited to their needs. As a relatively small School with intimate class sizes, we can discover and truly understand what makes each pupil tick and we tailor our approach to encourage their very best. Over the years, we have found that our small class size, individualised approach and outstanding pastoral support has driven our robust and impressive academic profile - a ‘hot house’ mentality is not necessary.

The combination of strong academic results, individualised and pupil-centred teaching and outstanding pastoral support provides our pupils with an enduring foundation for leaning, confidence and a strong moral compass. Year after year, this combination results in our ability to confidently steer pupils towards the senior school of their choice.

Reception Places for September 2023 Entry

There are still places available in our Kindergarten (Reception) class for September 2023 entry. We warmly invite you to visit Rydes Hill for a personal tour with our Headmistress, Mrs Sarah Norville, to discover how our School can work for your child.

Please follow the link below to contact admissions or to book a personal tour.

Contact Admissions