Our core values
The importance placed on the development of individual talents is at the heart of what the school stands for and all are encouraged and challenged to be the best they can be. Our children live in a rapidly changing and sometimes uncertain world. We want to empower them with the skills they will need to navigate the world they live in and be shining examples of high standards, sound moral judgement, kindness and decency.
As an inclusive Catholic school, children learn how to live in a loving relationship with God and each other. Christian values of love and justice, faith and courage, hope and perseverance are fostered. Pupils and staff comprise individuals of different faiths and beliefs but the Rydes Hill community aspires to unity within the life of the school based on shared moral values.
We encourage good manners, respect and courtesy towards others and provide excellent pastoral care enabling our pupils to make positive relationships and to be motivated to rise to the challenges of each new stage of their learning.
“The school is a harmonious community with pupils treating each other kindly and courteously, always showing knowledge of and respect for people’s differences."