What makes us special

Our core values

We know that HAPPY children thrive, laying the foundations for future success. This ethos is central to everything we do at Rydes Hill.

Happy: We promote kindness, empathy, optimism and a range of healthy habits to equip children with the necessary skills to flourish.

Ambitious: We encourage children to cultivate a growth mindset, enabling them to tackle challenges and nurture a lifelong passion for learning.

Playful: We understand the importance of play-based learning, allowing children to explore their individual passions and ignite their imaginations.

People: We hold a strong belief in the value of highly qualified and experienced educators who are committed to nurturing the children in their care.

You: We recognise the immense value of collaboration between parents and teachers in order to provide the best support for each child.

The school is a harmonious community with pupils treating each other kindly and courteously, always showing knowledge of and respect for people’s differences."